Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

looking for a title

about halfway through the quilting - stippling in orange over the overdyed area
suggestions please?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Some dry weather- after the fizzer of a Wet Season last year this year has made up for it in spades!!  As my dear mate informs me we had 5 dry days in March and up until last Tuesday 19 days straight of rain which made getting anything dry almost impossible.
Added to that I had no phones until yesterday from about the 29th of last month although I did still have the Net.
Had a lovely Easter and went to the pictures to finally see Avatar.  I wasn't that enthused about the idea but my companion had been raved to about it so we decided to check it out!
The plot was clunky but the visuals were STUNNING.  Cant wait to see how this technology is used by someone like Tim Burton. James Cameron's films are entertaining but there is no subltety in his plots.

This is what I have been doing lately
the colours are iridescent so dont digitise that well but here goes and the ground is silk