And our almost total reliance upon it
It lets you down folks!!!!!
I was slack with the blog over my break but I was busy playing
I have done two quilts -no pics because they are all on my other pc which is being rebuilt - some braiding and just puddling for fun. Nary a painting or exercise for painting to be seen.
sigh whimper grumble moan and I have been without my pc for four whole days which is tough for a net junkie like me.
I have hooked up hubbys so I can get a fix now and then so the withdrawal twitches are not so bad.
Started back to VU on Monday -REALLY tough to drag my carcass out of bed after such a long break and on a truly FILTHY winter day here. Although the views from the new premises did make up for the wretched weather.
Got a couple of assignments to take with me to Queensland, the timing of the work and the holiday will fit in well although the painting assignment will be very tricky to complete on time because I dont want to drag a pile of paint with me so I am going get down to that over the next couple of days so I can finish it around the right time- here's hoping.
Pics of the view were taken on my phone, I plan to take in my real cam on Monday to get some shots. Maybe some of within the gallery space at the Uni as well- that is spectacularly good btw
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