Friday, April 28, 2006

Ruminations on a theme

The brief for one particular assignment is Interior/Exterior. It is a pretty broad based brief and we can use abstract or representational to work our theme.
Probably because of the work I have been doing for the Exhibition and other reasons I seem to come back to the mask- part of the theme of Armour.

Interior being the innermost thoughts, fears and sensibilities being protected from the Exterior of outside.
I have this image in my head I want to try and get down, a mask obscuring the view of the room beyond. A carnivale type masquerade mask. The wearing of the mask in the past at Carnivale or Mardi Gras allowed the wearer anonymity to behave in a way they would not normally so the mask can be protection but also a form of dutch courage for want of a better term.
But what do I make the room beyond? A brilliant ballroom or a darkened place of rendezvous?

Hmmmn time to do some research. This has got to be finished for Monday so not much research only tonight and down to painting tomorrow before going to collect my stuff from the Gallery.

1 comment:

Sophie said...

I like the way you're thinking hereand will be interested to see how you do it. My initial thoughts were colour, line and shape. The inside of the mask could be calm and placid - blues and greens with smooth flowing lines, and outside can be exciting like your carnival/mardi gras concept - lots of colour erratic lines, feathers and flair.