The self prescribed brief was the explore parts of printmaking and incorporate it into my work
Using the same lino cut block I had to create five unique states-just a quickie to show what I have been doing away from the computer
photography a bit shaky this morning- must be low blood sugar LOL
a variety to techniques incorporated with the single block inspired by a piece of Art Nouveau jewellery,
Hello Robyn,
nice jewerly, and what are you going to make with these, also the leaves are great, the moon in that pic is beautiful, nice job.
It's actually for a printmaking brief for school - but the idea of jewellery had occured to me.
The leaves are part of the same printmaking brief- an overall contract for the final semester of the class where I have to produce 4 minor briefs for the semester that relate to 'our' work. As most of my colleagues on this course are painters they are relating the work to their painting but I am playing with my stitching etc.
Huh that moon pic came at a price LOL
These are so interesting don't really understand the process but thay are great..
Love the leaves..Sue is right the moom pic is stunning must be why its so expencive LOL...
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