Since my flying trip to Melbourne last week I have been knackered lol. Spent most the week quietly with a visit here and there from nice neighbours- thankfully the not so nice one has been very scarce of late to the relief of a couple of us ;-)
I played with some discharge ideas during the week but I really have to pull my finger out and organise my workspace to do some more work.
But the weather has made me lazy- wet for most of the week til Thursday I mostly mooched around doing very little LOL then when it got sunny again went outside to play!!
I have to split my workspace in two- the room I will be using faces a large clump of lawyer vine or Wait a While- nasty stuff but the palms look so pretty in the dappled sunlight coming through the trees. The large built in wardrobe has some shelves but I can stack up my big tubs in there no worries and that will help with the issues the wet weather has shown about this house- when it rains it gets damp!!
I will do messy stuff out on the deck dyeing and stuff like that and hopefully when we extend it around the house it will give me access to the laundry area but I have made do for all these years so a couple more probably wont hurt me ;-)
The exhileration part is from yesterday, Ken took us out to Low Isles for a sail and we scraped the weed off the hull of Tau Ceti and amused a rather large angel fish who loved nibbling at the bits of goo coming off the hull. After lunch and a thaw out- the water IS warmer than Victoria of course but it does chill you after an hour or so- we went for a snorkel towed by the dinghy to the very edge of the reef around the barrier island of the group. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Massive brain corals, fans and other formations, myriads of teensy fish of all colours AND then there was the cod! A rather large coral cod with a crew of cleaner wrasses darting all over him. He let me get within two feet of him- even with the magnification of water this fish was about a metre long- and I could watch the little wrasses nipping off the parasites. so bloody cool!!!
M.O.T.H. got towed back to the boat but I elected to go back under my own steam and was surrounded by a school of small blue fish that seemed intent to escort me back to where the big Angel who had parked under the boat was waiting, as soon as he came into view the little fish just disappeared. We fed the Angel scraps of bread from our lunch and he was a greedy fishy that's for sure but so beautiful and free. As one of us observed ' A bloody perfect day'