is not so good at present. Over the past couple of months he has been losing weight but he is an old kitty (nearly 15). He has always been a rangy cat and gets a bit skinny in summer but this time it is walking skeleton- not quite but he IS very thin. His coat and teeth etc are in good nick but his kidney function is that of a 15 yo kitty -working okay at present and possibly could improve a little with treatment - so the vet is recommending drugs to improve the condition.
I love my 'kids' but I am realistic about their care and treatment- being brought up in the country saw to that. I was wondering if anyone had been through this and whether in the end it is worth it- emotionally for me to keep him going would be fabulous of course but quality of life for my Bandit is the issue.
I cant abide those people who keep an animal alive for their emotional benefit over the welfare and well-being of the animal.
I will always have a soft spot for Bandit because he chose me! He moved in one hot summer as a kitten to backstop my older cat at the time and befriended my puppy and they became inseperable. Bandit mourned for that dog as much as we did when we had to let him go when he got sick. Despite being a very good hunter as a youngster- too good for comfort actually- he is a very gentle cat with us and our friends and family but is feral in his behaviour to strangers.
He became the toughest cat in the neighbourhood purely by default and virtue of his size - the older cat I had when he arrived WAS the toughest cat in the neighbourhood so Bandit never really had to fight for his place in the world.